They may accuse me of posting 'Photoshopped' pictures, but how would they explain the fatwa (below) these many pictures???
Current Iranian president (right) Ahmadinajad kissing another man!!!

nidentified Shia scholar (but he appears to be Khamin'i)kissing a wounded grown man (perhaps from the Iraq-Iran war)!!!
And getting REALLY CLOSE are...
major (dead) "marjia", al-Shirazi!!

Rafsanjani again!!!

Kharroubi, head of Iranian parliament with Kurdish leader (now president of Iraq) Talabani!!!

A "scholar" from the al-Sadr family kissing Bremer, former American ruler of Occupied Iraq.

Title: "Kiss in the mouth"!!
what's the ruling on (showing love toward) a person in his mouth (the 'kiss' -[colloquial Arabic inserted here: "al-bosah"]) in your opinion? [I admit the way the question is asked is retarded, but nonetheless the 'marjia' understands it and gives his fatwa!]
Answer: if (done) with suspicion (of aroused lust) then (it's) not allowed, otherwise nothing is wrong (with it).
And what's hidden is surely greater & uglier!!!
And what's hidden is surely greater & uglier!!!
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