Thursday, March 08, 2007
Ashu-rite Hypocrisy
A Shia cleric catches up with the 'other' fake Shia, however only after getting caught on camera 'not caring' about Hussain, then all of a sudden starting to...
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Gay Kisses Allowed
They may accuse me of posting 'Photoshopped' pictures, but how would they explain the fatwa (below) these many pictures???
Current Iranian president (right) Ahmadinajad kissing another man!!!

nidentified Shia scholar (but he appears to be Khamin'i)kissing a wounded grown man (perhaps from the Iraq-Iran war)!!!
And getting REALLY CLOSE are...
major (dead) "marjia", al-Shirazi!!

Rafsanjani again!!!

Kharroubi, head of Iranian parliament with Kurdish leader (now president of Iraq) Talabani!!!

A "scholar" from the al-Sadr family kissing Bremer, former American ruler of Occupied Iraq.

Title: "Kiss in the mouth"!!
what's the ruling on (showing love toward) a person in his mouth (the 'kiss' -[colloquial Arabic inserted here: "al-bosah"]) in your opinion? [I admit the way the question is asked is retarded, but nonetheless the 'marjia' understands it and gives his fatwa!]
Answer: if (done) with suspicion (of aroused lust) then (it's) not allowed, otherwise nothing is wrong (with it).
And what's hidden is surely greater & uglier!!!
And what's hidden is surely greater & uglier!!!
...and the Religion of Fitrah

I don't believe any one of them would weep like that on even any of their loved ones who died just in the last Israeli aggression (the summer of 2006) on Hizbullah..or even their casualties from the long war with Iraq only few decades ago -in the 1980's!!!!
Meanwhile, Imam Hussain (ra.) is happy and joyful in Jannah!!!
And Allah's curse be on those who killed Imam Hussain and those who approve of killing Imam Hussain.
Ayatullah Khazanova'i
You gotta love Khatami in this picture!!!!
What's going on??? Is this an Islamic state really??? Their president-cleric should know better than to get so close to women and GAZE like you see here!!!!!! One of the very basic teachings in Islam is keeping a safe distance from the opposite gender!!!!!
Now more pictures of this 'cool cleric', hahahaha
Sunday, March 04, 2007
The Prophet NOT the Highest Figure!!!
Ali & Offspring Primary Figures in Shi'ism!!!
Also, check the highlighted text in the illustrated screenshot below, taken from a Shia website which the Shia spread among themselves, indifferent about the rank Prophet Muhammad occupies in the order personalities of 'Ahlul-Bayt' are listed in that website!!!!

QUESTION: could there have been an 'Ahlul-Bayt' without Prophet Muhammad??
Look how they mention the Prophet's name, his title as a Prophet mentioned after his name, while his own offspring's..their titles as 'Imams' or whatever...come before their firstnames!!! Disrespecting the Prophet even more, don't you think???
But no wonder!!! Abu Ja'far said:
"is religion but (about) love [of Ahlul-Bayt]?"[1]
So Islam is not about worshipping the One and Only God worthy of worship, not about perfecting high manners, etc etc, not about loving and following Prophet Muhammad more than we love ourselves and follow our own whims,...but religion is only about following Ahlul-Bayt!!!
[1] al-Rawzah min al-Kafi' by al-Kulayni, chapter "the Wasiyyah of al-Nabi to Ameer ul-Mu'mineen", v. 8, pg. 80, printed in Tehran.
[1] al-Rawzah min al-Kafi' by al-Kulayni, chapter "the Wasiyyah of al-Nabi to Ameer ul-Mu'mineen", v. 8, pg. 80, printed in Tehran.
Celebrating the "Night of Power" (Laylatul Qadr)!!!
Just don't ask me about what they're doing to our Holy Book, disrespecting it like that..!!! How would a real Muslim (Sunni) feel if he were frequenting this cult's temples and saw them doing that to our Holy Book???
But then I remember, I shouldn't be surprised!!! There is hardly anything holy to these people that is part of Islam!!! They slander the Prophet's wives and companions, they disregard the marvellous achievments of Muslim rulers and states (when they are not "partisans of Ali" like they are), they have a totally different narrative of Islamic history, they just modify (most of the time 'corrupt') everything originally Islamic, just so they can develop their own distinct identity from us (well THANKS, makes spotting them way WAY easier, definitely)!!!

But then I remember, I shouldn't be surprised!!! There is hardly anything holy to these people that is part of Islam!!! They slander the Prophet's wives and companions, they disregard the marvellous achievments of Muslim rulers and states (when they are not "partisans of Ali" like they are), they have a totally different narrative of Islamic history, they just modify (most of the time 'corrupt') everything originally Islamic, just so they can develop their own distinct identity from us (well THANKS, makes spotting them way WAY easier, definitely)!!!
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